Scottish Anti-Trafficking & Exploitation Centre

The Scottish Anti-Trafficking & Exploitation Centre is the only specialist legal project in Scotland that provides direct legal advice and representation to child and adult survivors of trafficking and exploitation in Scotland regardless of nationality, gender, type of exploitation and geographical location.

We use our expertise to fight against trafficking and exploitation, at both the national and international level, through our work with victim survivors of trafficking and exploitation as well as policy, training and research 


Legal Advice

We provide specialist legal advice and representation on all civil legal matters relating to an individual’s experience of trafficking and/or exploitation, including:  

  • Identification as a victim of trafficking and access to victim rights 
  • International protection (including asylum and human rights claims) 
  • Compensation (including criminal injuries compensation) 
  • Employment law  
  • Criminal justice for victim survivors 
  • Immigration and Citizenship 
  • Family Reunification 
  • Non-legal advocacy to access victim rights


We advise victim-survivors  at all stages of their recovery ‘journeys’ to: 

  • Facilitate early identification of victim-survivors and ensure access to vital support including crisis support 
  • Support victim-survivors in their socialisation and integration journeys in Scotland 
  • Reduce the risk of re-trafficking and break the continuum of exploitation  
  • Inform our wider work in improving the legal and social landscape for enhancing the anti-trafficking responses in Scotland, UK and beyond. 

We practice a trauma-informed, holistic human-rights based approach in all of our work with victim-survivors.  Our model of legal advice provision has been classed as a model of best practice by the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). 


Legal Outreach

We run twice weekly free and confidential legal advice surgeries to those who may have experienced trafficking or exploitation, to understand their rights and entitlements, understand their options, and support them to access the help they may need.   

To refer to our surgery, please complete the referral form 

We also provide free second-tier advice to organisations assisting victim-survivors of trafficking and exploitation. To get in touch, please complete the referral form. 


Peer Support Programme and Lived Experience work

Our Peer Support Programme, the first of its kind in Scotland, provides holistic support to survivors of human trafficking to assist in their integration and socialisation journeys. Survivor designed and led; the Programme brings together Survivors who have made their lives in Scotland with those just starting out, to get advice, practical information, encouragement and inspiration.

All funding received for the Programme goes directly to Peer Supporters and participants.

Additional details about the programme are available below. 

  • The programme started as a pilot in 2020 as part of the ASSIST project, funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).  The project was in collaboration with experts from Ireland, Spain, Italy and Germany and focused on the integration of trafficked women recovering from sexual exploitation, taking into account the gender dimension of trafficking in Europe and the gender specific harms and trauma associated with trafficking for sexual exploitation. Through ASSIST, we brought together a group of inspiring women with lived experience of trafficking to share their views on the importance of lived experience in designing and delivering anti-trafficking solutions at all levels. They also developed the pilot Peer Support Programme, the success of which let to developing the current Programme, as well as coproduced a Know Your Rights leaflet which has been expanded to cover key information for victim-survivors of trafficking and exploitation.


Policy, Research and Training

We are members of the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG), a coalition established in 2009 to monitor the UK’s implementation of European anti-trafficking legislation. The group uses a human rights-based approach to examine all types of human trafficking, including internal trafficking and the trafficking of British nationals, to protect the well-being and best interests of victims of human trafficking.

We have been part of the team working with the Child Protection Team at Glasgow City Council developing and training on the Home Office pilot to devolve decision making for child victims of human trafficking and exploitation in Glasgow.  

We are a member of two Scottish Government Action Area groups in relation to the implementation of the Human Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy as well as members of the Scottish Parliament Cross Party group on Human Trafficking. We are also members of the Child Trafficking Working Group at Glasgow City Council.  

We have contributed to UK and international research since the start of the project. At the moment, we are contributing to a research project titled Pathways Through Liberation- Revealing Survivors’ Support Journeys Outside of The UK National Referral Mechanism which is led by the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab in collaboration with a number of partners across the UK and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.  

We deliver a range of bespoke training in the areas we work on and please get in touch with us if you would like to discuss any training needs.  




The important and innovative work of our centre is supported by funding from

Scottish Government logo        Foundation Scotland Logo          Community Justice Logo    The National Lottery Logo Endrick trust


Legal Factsheets

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Rwanda Removal Plans – for solicitors (PDF)


The new UK Government has cancelled the Rwanda Plan. Our resources were created based on the previous policy. We understand this change may affect many people, and we will provide updated information and support soon.


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Know Your Rights for Survivors of Trafficking! Health (PDF)

This factsheet explains your rights to access healthcare, as well as how to access legal advice, and other support in Scotland.

This factsheet is part of a series of Know Your Rights! factsheets that provide information for people (adults) from abroad who have experienced human trafficking and/or exploitation, on your rights and support in Scotland.

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Know Your Rights for Survivors of Trafficking! Education & Employment (PDF)

This factsheet explains your rights to access education and employment, as well as how to access legal advice, and other support in Scotland.

This factsheet is part of a series of Know Your Rights! factsheets that provide information for people (adults) from abroad who have experienced human trafficking and/or exploitation, on your rights and support in Scotland.

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Know Your Rights for Survivors of Trafficking! Housing, Welfare Benefits & Money (PDF)

This factsheet explains your rights to access housing, welfare benefits and financial support, as well as how to access legal advice, and other support in Scotland.

This factsheet is part of a series of Know Your Rights! factsheets that provide information for people (adults) from abroad who have experienced human trafficking and/or exploitation, on your rights and support in Scotland.

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Know Your Rights for Survivors of Trafficking! Compensation and Legal Advice (PDF)

This factsheet explains your rights to access compensation, as well as how to access legal advice, and other support in Scotland.

This factsheet is part of a series of Know Your Rights! factsheets that provide information for people (adults) from abroad who have experienced human trafficking and/or exploitation, on your rights and support in Scotland.

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Know Your Rights for Survivors of Trafficking! Gender Based Violence (PDF)

This factsheet explains what gender based violence means, as well as how to access legal advice, and other support in Scotland.

This factsheet is part of a series of Know Your Rights! factsheets that provide information for people (adults) from abroad who have experienced human trafficking and/or exploitation, on your rights and support in Scotland.

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Know Your Rights for Survivors of Trafficking! Asylum & Immigration (PDF)

This factsheet explains what it means to claim asylum, and other immigration advice if you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country, as well as how to access legal advice, and other support in Scotland.

This factsheet is part of a series of Know Your Rights! factsheets that provide information for people (adults) from abroad who have experienced human trafficking and/or exploitation, on your rights and support in Scotland.

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Know Your Rights for Survivors of Trafficking! Identification as a Victim of Trafficking (PDF)

This factsheet explains what it means to be identified as a victim of trafficking and how you can tell if you are a victim of human trafficking or exploitation, as well as how to access legal advice, and other support in Scotland.

This factsheet is part of a series of Know Your Rights! factsheets that provide information for people (adults) from abroad who have experienced human trafficking and/or exploitation, on your rights and support in Scotland.

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Know Your Rights! Information for Trafficked Women from Abroad in Scotland (PDF)

This Know Your Rights! booklet provides information for Trafficked Women from Abroad on your rights and support in Scotland. Being a victim of trafficking or exploitation can have a long-term impact on you and affect many parts of your life. You may also find it difficult to adjust to living in a new country or place. But you are not alone. There is help for you to start recovering from your experiences and help you settle into your new life. This booklet gives information on some of the help available to you and who to contact


“We are at the beginning of something…” Supporting survivors of trafficking during the Covid-19 pandemic

  Spotlight on: Anushya Kulupana, Scottish Anti-Trafficking & Exploitation Centre (SATEC) and Supporting Survivors of Trafficking during the Covid-19 Pandemic  Today we are speaking with Anushya...

#RefugeeBanBill: What we are doing to stop the new UK Migration Bill

  JustRight Scotland has rejected the UK Government plan to proceed with a new Illegal [Migration] Bill which is due to have second reading today in the House of Commons.  We have explained the...

A joint statement on the Borders Bill “Not in our name”

In Scotland we have a proud history of protest, of raising our voices against the injustices that blight our society and speaking truth to power. We – the undersigned – are proud to work in a country ...

ASSIST in Scotland: Hearing Trafficking Survivors’ Voices

Today, JustRight Scotland led a delegation of female survivors of human trafficking to meet with the Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Humza Yousaf MSP at the Scottish Parliament. The women – all of whom...

Human Rights Act reform: we reject the UK Government proposals

  JustRight Scotland has rejected the UK Government plans to replace the Human Rights Act (HRA) as announced last December.  We have been working – together with other Scottish civil society and ...

Insight series – Part 3: a JustRight Intern

  Robyn’s role within our team We have partnered up with The Robertson Trust to welcome a group of interns into our JustRight Scotland team. Some of them have been working alongside our legal teams...

Introducing our new social enterprise: JRS Knowhow 

We are proud to announce the launch of our brand new social enterprise JRS Knowhow. The start-up social enterprise was created in April 2021, marking almost exactly four years since JustRight Scotland was set...

JRS is taking part in #16Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

The 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence is an international campaign that runs from today to the 10th of December, Human Rights Day. Originally created by activists, it continues to be...

Legal opinion: the legal implications of the [Illegal] Migration Bill in Scotland

  by Sabrina Galella  Together with the Scottish Refugee Council (SRC) and the Children and Young People’s Commissioner Scotland (CYPCS), we commissioned a legal opinion from Kay Springham KC, to...

Legal Opinion: What does the Nationality and Borders Bill mean for devolution in Scotland?

Sabrina Galella, Policy & Public Affairs Officer at JustRight Scotland.   JustRight Scotland and Scottish Refugee Council jointly commissioned a legal opinion from Christine O’Neill QC and her...

Making Human Rights Justice a Reality Report shines a light on systemic barriers to justice and how to break them

  by Maisie Wilson   Over the past few months, we have been working with the Human Rights Consortium Scotland (HRCS) on their latest report Make Human Rights Justice a Reality, along with Clan...

My first-year anniversary as Legal Caseworker for the Scottish Just Law Centre

My role at JustRight Scotland  As of the start of 2023, I have been with JustRight Scotland for a year, working as a Legal Caseworker for the Scottish Just Law Centre (SJLC). And what a year it has...

National Human Trafficking Conference

We were delighted to be asked to present at the first National Human Trafficking Conference, organised by Police Scotland at Tulliallan Castle on 13 September 2017. Setting the Scene Kevin Hyland, the...

New Plan for Immigration Consultation: A Briefing for Scottish Civil Society Organisations

On 24 March 2021, the UK Government published its New Plan for Immigration, which sets out various proposals for changes to nationality, immigration and asylum law.  The consultation invites members of...

New Plan for Immigration Consultation: Our Response

On 24 March 2021, the UK Government published its New Plan for Immigration, which sets out various proposals for changes to nationality, immigration and asylum law. JustRight Scotland and our JustCitizens...

New report, to be launched in Scotland, sheds light upon forced migrants’ experiences of sexual and gender-based violence

  On the 7th December, SEREDA Scotland will launch its findings into the experiences of forced migrant survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) and the services they rely on. Led by the...

Our Anti-Trafficking Work

Trafficked women face too many barriers to accessing their human rights. Despite international and European standards that ensure trafficking survivors’ right to legal guidance when accessing support ...

Our Worker Support Centre is now available to all seasonal horticultural workers in Scotland

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Worker Support Centre. Funded by the Scottish Government, this Centre is available to all workers on the Seasonal Workers Visa (SWV) in Scotland including...

Response to Independent Review on the Human Rights Act

We have submitted a response to the Independent Review of the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA), in response to its call for evidence which closed on 3 March 2021. Our submission makes it clear that we see ...

Rising Together: Celebrating Resilience & Community in Scotland’s Migration Sector at our Roots of Refuge

  By Annamaria De Felice  As we continue to engage with Fair Begins Here, a national campaign led by Together with Refugees, we are also working with community groups and other organisations across...

Safeguarding Migrant Workers’ Rights in the UK: Speaking with Experts

  By Annamaria De Felice   In a recent open webinar hosted by Libera and moderated by James Fookes from Anti-Slavery International, a panel of experts and practitioners addressed the urgent issue...

Scotland rejects the Refugee Ban Bill

  JustRight Scotland and Scottish Refugee Council have joined forces to launch the first step of a Scottish campaign which aimed to stop the #RefugeeBanBill and get other organisations involved in...

Scottish human rights organisations unite to reject “unnecessary, regressive and divisive” plans to replace Human Rights Act

Responding to the UK Government’s announcement today that it plans to replace the Human Rights Act, five leading Scottish human rights organisations have released a joint statement calling the proposals...

Survivor Engagement: Assisting Integration in Human Trafficking

PRESS RELEASE   Survivor Engagement: Assisting Integration in Human Trafficking   15th December 2020  Today, JustRight Scotland (JRS) held an online event to share the results of a 2-year EU AMIF funded...

The Worker Support Centre is now transitioning to a new sustainable phase

  JustRight Scotland (JRS) has hosted the Worker Support Centre (WSC) for its first six months of operation from May 2022 to October 2022 as part of a long-term plan focused on providing initial ...

Trafficking Awareness Campaign

By Eilidh Turnbull - JustRight Intern On 27th August 2017 the Scottish Government launched a public information campaign to help raise awareness of human trafficking in Scotland. At JustRight Scotland,...

We call upon the Scottish Government to heed the recommendations of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee’s report and take action to safeguard the human rights of the people attacked by the Illegal Migration Act 2023

We welcome the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee’s recommendations published in their latest report about asylum seekers in Scotland. In particular, we support the Committee’s strong...