We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. The majority of the website is intended to be usable without making any adjustments.
For example you should be able to –
- navigate most of the website using just a keyboard
- listen to most of the website using a screen reader
- navigate most of the website using speech recognition software
- easily recognise links
- easily recognise sections of content with clear headings
- not have content obscured by low contrast between text and background
- complete all online forms using just a keyboard, screen reader or speech recognition software.
In addition you should be able to make adjustments as needed, for example –
- zoom in up to 300% without the text spilling off the screen
- apply your own graphic styles for font and background colours via your browser
- navigate and understand content with images switched off.
We don’t use features such as flyout navigation menus and ensure the website loads quickly and cleanly to avoid links suddenly moving as other content loads. These create problems for people with motor difficulties and irritate many others.
What’s not accessible
Some parts of this website are not fully accessible. This includes older PDF and MS Word documents, and our podcasts which do not have subtitles.
Available resources mean we have not user tested accessibility for all audiences but measure accessibility with online tools. If you have difficulties accessing our website or have recommendations to improve access we would like to hear from you.
Benchmarking accessibility
Technically we aim to meet the top Level AAA Conformance for website accessibility outlined at Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) this an international standard.
Typically Level AA Conformance is used as a basis for complying with UK web accessibility regulations. To test access we use tools provided by WebAim accessibility experts. View our JustRight web accessibility report .
Speed and light
Finance and network connections are also barriers to access. Scotland has good broadband and wireless connections but there are still rural areas without broadband connections and times when wireless reception is patchy in any area. We reduce file sizes and optimise images so the website uses less bandwidth and loads quickly on any device.
Small file sizes and optimised code reduces the cost of visiting our website for those without ‘all you can eat data’. It’s also greener, it takes less energy to share and process smaller files.
Benchmarking speed
We benchmark using Google Page Speed Insights to measure access speeds – how long from clicking a link does it take for the website to be ready and usable. See our score at JustRight speed test .