What we do

We use the law to defend and extend people's rights. We work with people and communities to change broken systems as well as individual people’s lives.

What we do

Our four centres of legal excellence:

  • provide direct legal advice to people and organisations
  • run legal helplines and surgeries
  • publish legal and know-your-rights factsheets
  • contribute to academic research
  • inform policy-makers
  • support campaigns for social change
  • deliver legal training and public legal education
  • offer internships and opportunities to train and support the next generation of human rights and social justice lawyers, defenders and leaders

How we work

Our Vision & Values guide the way we work at JustRight Scotland and the choices we make.

infographic JRS strategy

We will:

  • Use the law to defend the rights of people who are marginalised, minoritised, lack access to power, and face particularly high barriers to justice
  • Work with and alongside marginalised people and communities, using the law for system-changing work to extend their rights and access to justice
  • Build people’s knowledge and understanding of human rights, and their skills in advocating for and protecting human rights
  • Invest in, support and nurture the next generation of human rights and social justice lawyers, defenders and leaders, with a focus on supporting better representation from minoritised groups
  • Develop ways to sustain our organisation’s work over the longer term

Want to learn more? Read about our vision and values, how we work and our strategic aims, please download our new strategy #PavingRoutesToJustice.