JustRight Scotland was set up in 2017 by a small team of human rights lawyers. We use the law to defend and extend people’s rights in Scotland.
Seven years later, we now run four specialist centres of legal practice. Our lawyers and caseworkers provide advice, representation and support to hundreds of people every year.
Our policy, communications and participation team extends the reach of our legal work, building collaborative campaigns and partnerships, working alongside people with lived experience of the issues we work on, influencing policy makers, and producing accessible information about human rights and the legal system.
We run training for people, communities, and other organisations about the human rights legal issues we work on. And we share learning from our work with a wide network of other human rights, legal and social justice organisations.
We’ve grown significantly and quickly since we first started our work. Now a team of over 20, with an annual budget of over £1.5 million, we are a maturing organisation with all of the benefits and challenges that come with that.
This is our third Strategy covering the period 2024 to 2029. It builds on what we’ve learned in our first seven years and creates the frame for our work in the next five.
We are grateful to everyone who has worked with us on our journey so far. In particular, we thank everyone who has shared their wisdom, insight and experiences as we’ve reflected and worked on this new Strategy. We are always stronger when we work together, and we look forward to continuing to play our part in paving routes to justice.
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