We provide a child-centred legal service which specifically focuses on the areas where refugee and migrant children find it difficult to realise their rights, including in the immigration/asylum and child care system systems. We also deliver specialist second-tier advice, as well as training and outreach, to better professional understanding of refugee and migrant children’s rights.
Kids in Need of Defense UK (KIND UK)
KIND UK is a collaboration between KIND, Inc., a US non-profit organisation serving migrant children with legal representation, and five UK not-for-profit immigration and children’s rights organisations: Central England Law Centre; Coram Children’s Legal Centre; the Migrant and Refugee Children’s Legal Unit at Islington Law Centre; Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit; and our Scottish Refugee & Migrant Centre at JustRight Scotland. We build partnerships with law firms and businesses which will, in turn, provide lawyers who will give their time, pro bono, to children and young people in need of immigration and nationality legal advice and representation.
Scottish Guardianship Service
The Scottish Guardianship Service (SGS) is a Scottish Government-funded service operated by Scottish children’s charity Aberlour in partnership with the Scottish Refugee Council. We collaborate with the SGS to combine our skills and expertise for separated children seeking protection in Scotland. Our collaboration is a best practice working model with the child at the centre. We also provide a 2nd tier advice service for Guardians to assist them in their broad and demanding role supporting children and young people through multiple protection processes.