Our Stories, Our Rights

The Human Rights Act must be protected.
Now we are asking YOU to help us.
We are looking for people across Scotland to share stories of how the Human Rights Act protect #AllOurRights.


YOU will help build a movement which highlights the value of #AllOurRights in Scotland and how important legal protections are for everyone, whoever we are and wherever we come from.

If you would like to share your story with us on how the Human Right Act has positively impacted your life, please complete this form.

If you would like to write your story but you need assistance in producing this content or would like to submit your story in a language other than English, you can access our guidance here (Word document) or here (Pdf file), and read our example here.

If you need help from us, please email jrfa@justrightscotland.org.uk.
If you would like to share videos, photos or pictures, send your files to jrfa@justrightscotland.org.uk.

You can access our audio guidance on how to get involved here.

Why does the Human Rights Act matter?

At JustRight Scotland, we believe that the Human Rights Act safeguards the rights of every single person in the United Kingdom, including in Scotland. 
The UK Government’s Rights Removal Bill will repeal the Human Rights Act. If this Bill becomes law, it will strip rights from people and narrow access to justice for all of us. 
We work with hundreds of people each year including women affected by abuse and violence, children caught up in the asylum and immigration system, people forced into destitution, child and adult survivors of trafficking and exploitation, and disabled people who’ve experienced discrimination. Our clients already face too many hurdles when it comes to accessing justice. This Bill will further restrict access to justice for everyone. We know that individual cases taken under the Human Rights Act have led to improvements in policies and practices for others, for example when the right to vote led to campaigning for more voter booths that are accessible to people who use a wheelchair.

Your experience is our most powerful tool to change hearts and minds and help policymakers better understand why the Human Rights Act is fundamental.

“Our Stories, Our Rights” campaign is a call to action for people across Scotland, whose lives have been positively impacted by the Human Rights Act, asking you to share your stories with others. 
By submitting a story, a video, a photo or a picture, YOU will help build a movement across the country which highlights the value of #AllOurRights in Scotland and how important legal protections are for everyone, whoever we are and wherever we come from. 


Take Action!

  • Share your story with us here
  • Read more about the Rights Removal Bill and why we are campaigning to protect the Human Rights Act here
  • Read other stories about #WhyOurHumanRightsMatters gathered by the British Institute of Human Rights here